The integration of Student Services brings together a wide range of professional skills which aims to build high quality support available to students and develop strategically to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student body.
Student Services are here to support students who have personal, financial, health, disability or work related problems.
Student Services also seek to help all students to learn the personal skills they need to build the lives and careers they want for themselves, from problem solving to understanding teams, from mental well being and coping with stress. Being at PWU is about seeking out and responding to opportunities in all spheres of life, not just academic work, but Student Services support that search whether things are going well.
Offices & Organizations
Office of Student Affairs
TRUNKLINE: +63(2) 8526-8421 local 281
EMAIL: [email protected]
Student Affairs Office is committed to the organization and promotion of various co-curricular activities that will encourage active student participation and enhance the leadership skills and potentials of every Philwomenian.
The different student programs are: Student Development, Student Publications, Sports, Community Outreach, Student Assistantship and Spiritual Formation.
This office provides classroom extension activities such as field work, field trips, convocations, and other social, cultural, academic and spiritual activities.
Through these activities, the leadership and organizational capabilities of students are nurtured. Students are graded in these activities by the faculty-in-charge or field supervisor in cooperation with the MSCED Faculty Adviser, based on their performance in interest groups, clubs and organizations.
The office oversees the activities of the:
- Student Council
- University-Wide Organizations
- College Organizations
- Student Publication: The Philwomenian
The Students Affairs Office also takes disciplinary action on students who violate the rules of the university.
Discipline Office
TRUNKLINE: +63(2) 8526-8421 local 281
Discipline Officer: Mr. Nathan Defeo
Discipline Office is mandated to enforce the policies and regulations of the university pertaining to student’s behavior and impose disciplinary measures, formative and developmental programs to students.
The University has established the Student Discipline Office (SDO) to regulate the students’ behaviors within or off-campus to the extent that their conduct affects their development as mature and responsible individuals, as well as the extent their behaviors affect the good name of the University.
A studentry transformed and developed into self-disciplined, spiritually grounded, values-driven, appreciative of Filipino values/ ideals and aspirations, and responsible members of the University’s faith community.
SDO’s mandate is to implement the policies, rules and regulations of the University pertaining to the students’ conduct and to undertake the necessary preventive and/or developmental disciplinary measures that would:
- instill self-discipline among the students,
- contribute to the students’ character development according to Christian morals and ethics, and
- contribute to University’s thrust of building a faith community.
The Student Discipline Office, through its various programs and services, aims to provide the students with opportunities to grow and develop into mature persons who will be:
- God-fearing
- Law-abiding
- Conscious of the dignity of the human person
- Conscious of their rights and the rights of others
- Ethically competent
- Socially responsible
Student Discipline Philosophy
The Philippine Women’s University recognizes the uniqueness and multi-dimentionality of the human person and therefore, aspires to develop students to be deeply rooted in faith, cognizant of the worth and dignity of the human person, socially responsible, professionally competent, and appreciative of Filipino culture, ideals and aspirations.
Guided by the core values in a faith community, the University develops achievers for God, country and family an integral formation of the individual person.
Thus, the University sets its own standards of discipline which aims at developing character according to Christian morals and ethics. It encourages self-discipline to cultivate a just and humane community whose members are viewed as ethical social beings, morally upright and cognizant of their rights and that of others.
Student Discipline Policies, Rules and Regulations
The Philippine Women’s University has promulgated policies, rules and regulations to govern the behaviors of its students. Imbued with the Philwomenian ideals and discipline, students are expected to:
- Respect the human dignity and the rights of others
- Be socially involved and responsive to others’ needs
- Promote a humane community conducive to justice, order and peace
- Promote and realize the Vision-Mission of the University
- Concretize the University core values, Christian values, ethics and principles
- Preserve the good name and reputation of the University
Policy Directives
- Procedures for Handling Disciplinary Cases (Document No. DISC-07-01)
- Procedures for the Conduct of Hearings for Disciplinary Cases (Document No. DISC-07-02)
- Procedures for Implementing In-School Suspensions (Document No. DISC-07-03)
- Procedures for the Implementation of the Drug Prevention, Recovery and Post-Recovery Care Programs (Document No. DISC-07-04)
- Procedures for the Conduct of Random Drug Tests (Document No. DISC-07-05)

Standard Uniform

School of Fine Arts Uniform
Student Organizations
List of Organizations and Executive Committees
- Student Council Organization
- The Philwomenian
- Campus Ministry
- Male Students Organization
- College Y Club – PWU Chapter (YMCA)
- Cadet Girl Scout Troop No. 6 / YWCA
- Student Assistants Organization
- PWU-CCAMS Dance Club
- Freshmen Division Executive Committee
- Sophomore Class Organization
- Junior/Senior Class Organization
- Muslim Students Association, PWU Chapter
- PWU Rotaract Club of Panday Pira
- Community Based Rotaract Club of Chinatown
- Community Based Rotaract Club of Intramuros
- School of Music Executive Committee
- School of Fine Arts and Design Executive Committee
- Advertising Society
- Interior Design Society
- PINTABS Executive Committee
- Painting Society
- Industrial Design Society
- CBIBE Executive Committee
- Junior Philippine Institute of Accountancy (JPIA)
- Junior Philippine Council of Management (JPCM)
- Philippine Council of Students in Entrepreneurship
- Organization of Computer Science Students
- Association of Hotel And Restaurant Management Students (AHRMS)
- Philippine Association of Food Technologists – Delta Chapter (PAFT-DELTA)
- Council of Tourism Students (COTS)
- School of Nursing Executive Committee
- School of Pharmacy Executive Committee
- School of Medical Technology Executive Committee
- Rotaract Club of Malate
- International Students Association
- PWU Theater Guild
- University Student Choir (USC)
- PWU Festival Chorus
- Educator’s Guild
- School of Arts and Science Executive Committee
- Communication Arts Society
- Psychology Society
- Environmental Science Society
- PWU Students Diplomatic Corps / Foreign Service Officers
- Philippine School of Social Work Executive Committee
- The Philippine Council of Students in Entrepreneurship (PCSE)
- Organization of Computer Science Society (OCSS)
- Association of International Hospitality Management Students (AIHMS)
- Philippine Association of Nutrition, PWU (PAN-BETA)
- CDCEC Executive Committee Caregiver Batch 90
- CDCEC Executive Committee Caregiver Batch 91
- Underwood Scholarship Association
- Achievers in Mission
- Peer Facilitators Organization
- PWU Mountaineering Club
- PWU Information Technology Students
- PWU Circle of Leaders
International Students Office
Since its birth, the Philippine Women’s University (PWU) has rendered a noble service both to the citizens and beyond through the “holistic education” approach. Over the past several decades, the University has been known as one of the best higher learning oasis in the Philippines where numerous international students acquire good skills and trainings through quality education.
As the number of international students increases every year, it is also vital to put into place some of the essential requirements they need to know before coming to the country or during the course of their stay especially issues related to the Immigration Office of the Philippines.
Besides offering academic excellence, the University also believes strongly that International Students can be catalyst of peace and ambassadors of unity by manifesting the spirit of ecumenism and as one family members regardless of culture, race, country and religion within the school environment.
Purpose of PWU International Office (PWUIO)
The Philippine Women’s University International Office (PWUIO) serves the international community in PWU by providing programs and services for international students who come from diverse countries, cultures, beliefs, languages and social and economic backgrounds.
The mission is to encourage PWU International Students to integrate international experience into their education, and to help students to identify and to pursue opportunities for study and research while they are at PWU in the Philippines.
The International Office also acts as a liaison between PWU and a variety of public and private agencies in matters affecting the University’s international students and scholars. These are embassies/consuls, professionals among others.
All newly admitted international students need to visit the PWUIO after Registration. They should bring their passports and entry permits or other evidence of their immigration status and their full addresses in Manila, the Philippines. The PWUIO encourages all foreign students and scholars to take advantage of its programs and services. An adviser is always on duty to help with any problem or concern.
A fundamental goal is also to foster an environment in which its members may live, learn and share experiences productively together, making use of the rich resources of their cultures and heritages during the course of the period of stay in the University.
“By accepting membership in the University, an individual joins a community ideally characterized by free expression, free inquiry, intellectual honesty, respect for the dignity of others, and openness to constructive change.”
For this goal to be achieved, the International Students must be understanding and supportive ones, characterized by civility and consideration for one another. Therefore, the standards and expectations of this community are high, as much so in the quality of interpersonal relationships as they are in academic performance.
International Students from different back grounds foster, enhance and create together a foundation for the responsible, respectful society that PWU seeks to foster among its students, faculty, and staff.
In spite of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, the PWU International Students are encouraged to foster “unity in diversity.”
Guidance and Counseling Program
Mezzanine Malvar Wing, Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila
Tel No. +63(2) 8526-8421 local 129, 130
E-mail: [email protected]
The Guidance, Counseling and Testing Office envisions itself to be an integral part of the total PWU educational program to promote holistic development of students.
The Guidance, Counseling and Testing Office is committed to the goal of increasing students’ awareness which will prepare them to be positive, healthy and productive individuals.
In fulfillment of the institution’s philosophy, PWU Guidance, Counseling and Testing Office is committed to assist the university in molding its students by encouraging them to
- Discover to learn (Academic)
- Discover to work (Career)
- Discover to live (Personal/Social)
- Discover to contribute (Community involvement)
- Individual and Group Counseling
- Testing
- Adult Formation Programs
Campus Ministry
University Chaplain: Rev. Fr. Macias Wency D. Serafica
Tel No. +63(2) 8526-8421 local 205
E-mail: [email protected]
Campus Ministry is a ministerial complex of pastoral cathechetical, educational, evangelizing, counseling and prophetic efforts that seeks to build a Living Faith community.
University Chapel
The Chapel of the Philippine Women’s University is dedicated to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. In her loving presence, countless students, faculty members, administrators, and guests have found refuge and solace. Through the years, the hallowed walls of this house of worship have reverberated with the joyful voices of our community raised in praise.
Medical / Dental Clinic
Director: Dr. Jose Benedicto Cabazor
Direct Line: +63(2) 8465-1782 | Trunkline: +63(2) 8526-8421 local 154/256
Holistic health services for total well being of the individual, family and community
To provide holistic health services and resource generation through advocacy, training and development, complementing western alternative medicine and counseling.
Clinic Hours
- Medical Clinic
- Monday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
- Tuesday to Friday: 7:00AM – 8:00PM
- Saturday: 8:00AM – 5:00PM
- Dental Clinic
- Monday to Wednesday: 7:00AM – 4:00PM (PWU Manila)
- Friday: 7:30AM – 11:00AM (JASMS Manila)
- Laboratory
- Monday to Friday: 8:00AM – 5:00AM
In case of emergency after clinic hours, please proceed to the security guard on duty who will bring you to the nearest hospital as needed.
List of Services for Students and PWU Employees
Medical Clinic
- Pre-enrollment and annual medical check examination of students.
- Pre-employment of incoming staff and annual medical check examination of employees.
- Medical screening of sports fest participants and OJT internship students.
- Regular out-patient clinic operations for PWU community.
- Consultations and treatment including referrals.
- Emergency treatment of minor injuries.
- Nursing care of patients in the infirmary
- Refer patients seen at the clinic to hospitals or specialist whenever necessary.
- Maintain active record of persons seen at the clinic.
Dental Clinic
- Pre-enrollment and annual dental check-up of students.
- Pre-employment of incoming staff and annual dental check-up of employees.
- Render emergency treatment to all students, PWU employees like toothache drops, temporary fillings, cementation of dental restorations, post-operative treatments and gum treatment and extraction.
- Render permanent filling and oral prophylaxis for dental decay.
- Applications of sodium flouride or other drugs purposes of preventing dental caries for Elementary students.
- Lectures and demonstrate to students in the clinic,
- Methods and procedure on keeping teeth and investing tissues in state of health
- The relation of dental health to general health of the individual.
- Refer and follow-up of special cases to family dentists or specialists.
- Coordinate with the medical clinic for health.
- Facilitate and provide reliable screening test for pre-enrollment, pre-employment and annual medical examinations of students, faculty and PWU employees such as CBC, Urinalysis, Fecalysis, Hepatitis B Screening, Blood Typing.
- Provide fast and reliable primary modalities in acute and emergency medical and surgical conditions
Sports Development Office
Director: Marielle M. Benitez
Trunkline: +63(2) 8526-8421 local 199
Sports Development Office provides an opportunity for students to engage and participate in sports activities both within the school and inter-scholastic activities. It seeks to build a health studentry, a school spirit and pride
Affiliated Sports (Men and Women)
- 2014-2015 6th ISAA Champion
- 2012-2013 43rd WNCAA Champion
- 2011-2012 42nd WNCAA Champion
- 2010-2011 9th WCSA Champion
- 2010-2011 2nd ISAA Champion
- Male Varsity
- 2010-2011 7th MNCAA 1st Runner-up
- Female Varsity
- 2014-2015 13th WCSA Champion
- 2010-2011 41st WNCAA Champion B
- 2008-2009 39th WNCAA Champion B
- 2010-2011 9th WCSA Champion
- 2009-2010 8th WCSA Champion
- 2008-2009 7th WCSA Champion
Futsal (Indoor Football)
- Male Varsity
- 2010-2011 7th MNCAA 1st Runner-up
- Female Varsity
- 2009-2010 40th WNCAA Champion
- 2010-2011 9th WCSA Champion
- 2009-2010 8th WCSA Champion
- 2008-2009 7th WCSA Champion
- 2007-2008 6th WCSA Champion
Tae Kwon Do
- 2012-2013 43rd WNCAA 2nd Runner-up
Table Tennis Achievements:
- 2014-2015 6th ISAA Champion
- 2013-2014 44th WNCAA 1st Runner-up
- 2012-2013 43rd WNCAA 2nd Runner-up
- 2008-2009 39th WNCAA Champion
- Male Varsity
- 2014-2015 11th MNCAA 1st Runner-up
- 2010-2011 7th MNCAA Champion
- 2008-2009 5th MNCAA Champion
- 2007-2008 4th MNCAA Champion
- Female Varsity
- 2014-2015 13th WCSA 1st Runner-up
Training Schedules
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 3:00PM – 5:00PM | Sta. Isabel College
- Male Varsity — Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:00AM – 11:00AM | Bayanihan Paseo
- Female Varsity — Monday to Friday: 7:00AM – 9:00AM | Bayanihan Paseo
Futsal (Indoor Football)
- Male Varsity — Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 1:00PM – 3:00PM | Bayanihan Paseo
- Female Varsity — Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 1:00PM – 3:00PM | Bayanihan Paseo
Tuesday & Thursday: 7:30AM – 9:00AM / Saturday: 8:00AM – 9:30AM | Swimming Pool Area, PWU Manila
Tae Kwon Do
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 5:00PM – 8:00PM | Francisca Tirona Benitez (FTB) Hall / Sports Center, PWU Manila
Table Tennis
Tuesday: 1:00PM – 4:00PM / Wednesday: 5:00PM – 8:00PM / Saturday: 9:00AM – 12:00PM | Sports Center / FTB Hall, PWU Manila
- Male Varsity — Tuesday & Thursday: 3:30PM – 6:30PM | Bayanihan Paseo
- Female Varsity — Monday to Friday: 8:00AM – 11:00AM | Bayanihan Paseo