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School of Arts and Sciences

Courses Offered

This trimester course will teach and develop students to be communications savvy, both in spoken and written word, train them to be professionals capable and adept in a variety of communication technologies:

  • Media (production/direction), Public Relations, Public Speaking (Motivational Speakers, Seminar workshop facilitators, Resource Persons, Information and Communication Officers)
  • Visual Design (w/ supplemental training in Fine Arts and Design) Media Relations (Communications Management, Information officers), Professional writing/editing, Web designing (with supplemental training in Fine Arts and Design)
  • Organization Communication (Corporate communications, Researcher, Educator, Events planning and management), Advertising and Promotions
  • Mediation (with supplemental training in behavioral management) Disputes and Crisis Consultancy.

With the foundation they receive from their General Education courses, equipping them with “soft skills” in language, social science, humanities and history and literature, students will then experience learning that will give them the opportunity to apply these knowledge and skills through workshops and hands-on experience outside the classroom experience. This achieves the objective of the Commission on Higher Education of Outcomes-Based Education, training students to enter the professional field adept with the skills to practice their profession according to the industry’s standards.

All major communication arts subjects are handled by practicing media professionals who teach the students not only the theoretical skills but engage them in actual situations and anticipated conditions related to the different courses. The practical learning/training will allow the students to take their classroom lessons outside the classroom and give them the chance to face real-life situations.

The Bachelor of Arts major in Psychology (ABPY) program equips students with a broad range of psychological concepts and theories on human behavior. Faculty assigned to teach subjects are only those who hold Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degrees in Psychology to assure accuracy of imparting knowledge to students.

The course has a balanced curriculum covering subjects in psychological assessment, abnormal psychology, cognitive psychology, counseling and psychotherapy, special education, statistics, research methods, and other essential topics. To cap the academic aspect of learning students are required a total of three hundred (300) hours practicum/on-the-job training in association with university certified organizations with human resources department, guidance office, and, specifically the National Center for Mental Health. These aim to develop over-all competence in applying know-how of psychological theory in the industrial, school, and clinical settings.

The ABPY program is normally completed in nine (9) trimesters or three (3) years. Graduates will be qualified to work in the human resources department, academic, or clinical institutions.

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More information coming soon…

More information coming soon…

The Master of Arts in Communications program is a 42 unit, five (5) trimester program designed for professionals in the corporate and academic world as well as for those who are contemplating a career in media and teaching.

The ever changing, dynamic communication media landscape has given rise to new challenges to people and organizations from various fields, fields as diverse as education, business, public service and administration, psychology, environment, healthcare, tourism and others. These organizations are confronted with the need for people who know how to get their messages across to targeted audiences amid media clutter and information overload.

Our curriculum provides solid grounding through in depth discussions of communication issues and challenges, analysis of theories and application of research skills. The curriculum seeks to enhance writing and presentation skills, and strengthen critical thinking. An enriched knowledge on the different issues on communication, a recognition and understanding of the role of culture and values and technical expertise on communication technologies maximizes student potential for excellence both in teaching and in the corporate setting.

The program ensures that courses are handled by faculty members who are knowledgeable in their specific disciplines. Credentials include an MA or doctorate degree in communication arts or other social sciences and experience in the industry.

The Master of Arts major in Psychology (MAPY) program is geared to broaden the graduate student’s proficiency through advance training in psychological assessment, theories of personality, research, statistics, counseling and psychotherapy, group processes, practicum, and other vital courses necessary for the application of knowledge and experience in either of the industrial, school and clinical settings.

The course, totaling forty–two (42) units may be completed in two (2) years. The Faculty team, consisting of professionals in the exact field of specialization – clinical and industrial, is required to have a Psychology course in the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate levels, and, preferably having passed the psychology licensure exam.

Master of Arts in Psychology with specialization in Clinical Psychology focuses on the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of abnormal behavior with the end in view of assisting an individual in the direction of adjustment. Graduates become eligible for work in a psychological clinic, the academes for teaching, research, consultancies, therapy centers, or (upon passing the licensure exam) practice as psychologist.

The Master of Arts major in Psychology (MAPY) program is geared to broaden the graduate student’s proficiency through advance training in psychological assessment, theories of personality, research, statistics, counseling and psychotherapy, group processes, practicum, and other vital courses necessary for the application of knowledge and experience in either of the industrial, school and clinical settings.

The course, totaling forty–two (42) units may be completed in two (2) years. The Faculty team, consisting of professionals in the exact field of specialization – clinical and industrial, is required to have a Psychology course in the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate levels, and, preferably having passed the psychology licensure exam. Family Life Development faculties are experts and specialists in the fields of psychology, sociology, family life, and social development.

Master of Arts in Psychology with specialization in Family Life Development provides an overview of the Filipino Family and various aspects of family life. Relevant subjects include parenting and child rearing, child and adolescent development, family dynamics and relationships, adulthood and aging, and the challenges encountered by the Filipino Family in the 21st century. Graduates can work in private and government organizations, schools, hospitals as family life counselor, educator, and therapist.

The Master of Arts major in Psychology (MAPY) program is geared to broaden the graduate student’s proficiency through advance training in psychological assessment, theories of personality, research, statistics, counseling and psychotherapy, group processes, practicum, and other vital courses necessary for the application of knowledge and experience in either of the industrial, school and clinical settings.

The course, totaling forty–two (42) units may be completed in two (2) years. The Faculty team, consisting of professionals in the exact field of specialization – clinical and industrial, is required to have a Psychology course in the Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate levels, and, preferably having passed the psychology licensure exam.

Master of Arts in Psychology with specialization in Industrial Psychology centers on the various psychological theories of industrial psychology and apply these for issues concerning an organization. Graduates may be proficient for work in human resources units, also the academe for teaching and research, as well as engage in consultancies.

More information coming soon…

The Master of Science in Information Technology applies IT theories and principles that address real world challenges and develops the effective use of information technology. It provides students both theoretical and practical knowledge in various aspects of information and enables students to gain a solid foundation in areas of expertise such as information system management, system integration, business systems and data analytics, software design and management, and project management.

Academic Seal - School of Arts and Sciences


The Arts and Sciences Program of PWU is designed to develop the full potential of each student.

Since its establishment in 1924, it has offered major areas of concentration, among them were English and Psychology.

In 1950, Social Work and Home Economics were introduced.

In 1958, Guidance and Counseling as a Major was offered.

In 1959, the Department of Chemistry was placed under the School of Arts and Sciences.

The College offered another new major in 1960 – Communication Arts with specialization in Broadcast and emphasis on Development Communication.

The College is responsible for the Freshmen Program in terms of its curricular content and implementation. Administratively, however, the Freshmen Division is a separate unit.

Responsible for the requirements of General Education requirements in all the University’s curricular programs.


Director, RDO
Dr. Munalim, Leonardo O.
Casanova, Lilia C.
Chebat, Raul Guillermo B.
Cuizon, Noel S.
Dr. De Leon, Guillerma
Garcia, Rita Faustina
Dr. Ilag, Maximo D.C.
Miralles, Rowena P.
Dr. Mombay, Marianita Laura D.
Nieto, Lolita C.
Dr. Rehal, Satwinder
Dr. Tapang, Anthelma M.
Agda, Gertrudes J.
Dr. Alcazaren, Melissa Necitas A.
Dr. Ang, Jaime G.
Baguio, Jones Claire M.
Dr. Bayyou, Demeke G.
Bolaños, Alex B.
Bolaños, Vinaida E.
Caballero, Jomer R.
Calaguas, Tristan Jay P.
De Jesus, Louie R.
Dr. Dumlao Menchita F.
Garcia, Rita Faustina L.
Gentica, Mikael Dimitri B.
Gonzales, Ronna Faye F.
Gutierrez, Elizabeth Ann T.
Dr. Javier, Francisco P.
Dr. Manalo, Jesusa Carmencita A.
Medina, Rogelio C.
Montemayor, Jerome
Narida, Hilario F.
Dr. Pamplona, Myla S.
Paubsanon, Constancio Jr. C.
Perez, Christian Caesar M.
Pulumbarit, Aris M.
Segovia, Victoria M.
Serrana, Milagros S.
Yun, Mitos Sheila M.

Message from the Dean

Director, RDO

Dr. Leonardo O. Munalim

Greetings and welcome to PWU-School of Arts and Sciences!

Our world is in the grip of this current health crisis. Like you, we at SAS also acknowledge this problem, but we acknowledge it with optimism. In fact, this health crisis has become one of the fundamental ways in which the PWU-SAS is able to continually re-evaluate and redefine its pedagogical practices – without losing sight of the University’s Mission and Vision.

Amid the framework of uncertainties of this new normal, we remain steadfast in our goal to purvey our students a liberal education. PWU-SAS is a safe place for the contamination of ideas through an inquiry-experiential-project-problem-based learning. Our students are given the right platform to question, cogitate, articulate personal ideas, and even develop a disposition to question the world of things around them. Deeper still, PWU-SAS remains moored in the Transformative-Transformational Approach set by the University.

I am also happy to share with the PWU Community that the SAS faculty members believe, feel and think that their intellectual pursuits of a distinct brand of PWU liberal arts education are never separate from the concepts of technological determinism. Consequently, they undergo regular technical and professional training to be in the loop with these ever-morphing educational and social landscapes.

So come, visit and enroll at PWU, and see for yourself that our faculty members are willing to change with the students, and change for the students.

All for us, PWU-SAS!