School of Food Science and Technology
Courses Offered
The Bachelor of Science in Food Technology (BSFT) program aims to promote continued excellence in food science to produce professionals who have the capacity to apply the sciences and related fields of study in the conversion of raw materials into safe, palatable and nutritious foods.
The BSFT Course, which is PACUCOA Level 3 accredited, prepares students to be the country’s top and sought after Food Technologists. Students learn competencies in post harvest handling, food preparation and processing, food packaging, food safety and sanitation, food product development, storage and distribution of foods to ensure food security and the well being of individuals, families and communities.
PWU’s Food Processing and Food Research Laboratories provide the environment where students practice the skills learned from formal lectures delivered by top caliber faculty, all with comprehensive professional experience in the food Industry. BSFT students undergo 1,000 hours of intensive On-the-Job Training in well-known food manufacturing companies and baking industries.
The Master in Food Safety Management seeks to develop food safety professionals/graduates by providing them with knowledge and skills necessary to handle issues in food safety, food security and risk management through work in the government, industry and academia.
The program provides access to continued education to build a future human resource with competent knowledge and skills that will benefit not only the food industry and allied sectors but also the market and consumers.
Graduates of this Master’s program shall be equipped with the technical expertise, deeper and wider knowledge in today’s food trends related to global food safety concerns and challenges in order to assist and guide the different organizations within the food chain.
The Master of Science in Food Science (MSFS) program provides a relevant and broad core knowledge and skills for professionals particularly in the fields of food science and technology. It is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the sciences and related fields of study to enable graduates to apply such knowledge and skills in their respective careers. This innovative program has the scientific underpinnings tailored to provide a degree program for graduate students in the academe and continuing education for industry practitioners, professionals and entrepreneurs.
The MSFS curriculum integrates and applies the knowledge within the disciplines of chemistry, biology, business management and environmental management. In order to make the program more relevant the curriculum incorporates the concepts of TQM, food safety, the application of science to the art of cooking and consumer education in food science and technology to provide learners with tools not only to carry into the world of food but also in their respective careers.
Career Opportunities for Food Technology graduates are in food manufacturing, academe, industrial sectors, research institutions/agencies and food service establishments in areas such as Production, Packaging and Processing, Research and Development, Quality Control, Assurance, Technical Sales, Food Safety and Food Business consultancy.

It was in 1959 when Food Technology was introduced as a major area of specialization. The five-year curriculum was geared to graduates of BS in Chemistry. With the intensive industrialization program in the country and with the steady growth of industry in the Philippines, the university realized a tremendous need for graduates in Food Technology who are well equipped with science and engineering background and training as what the university envisioned, enabling them to meet the requirements and the needs of the food industries. Thus, the Bachelor of Science in Food Technology was offered in 1961 in the Department of Nutrition under the College of Home Economics.
In order to meet the rapid scientific and technological innovation, The Philippine Women’s University established the Philippine Institute of Nutrition, Food Science and Technology (PINFST) effective School Year 1967-1968 with Dr. Ignacio S. Pablo as Director. The new school which is open to men and women has evolved a multi-disciplinary curriculum not merely “home cooking” nor to attempt to produce “scientific chefs” but which provides the application of science and engineering to the production, preparation, processing, packaging, distribution and utilization of foods suited to Philippine needs and situation. There are three areas of specialization leading to BS degrees: BS in Foods and Nutrition, BS in Food Technology and BS in Institutional Food Administration. For the Food Technology Program, the department has facilities for research and teaching which includes food processing laboratories for product development studies and research on vapor heat treatment and dehydration of fruits and vegetables; flavor evaluation laboratory; equipped physical, chemical, biochemical and microbiological laboratories; a green house for the propagation and cultivation of fruits and vegetables and constant temperature room for storage stability studies.
In 1996, under the deanship of Mrs. Romualda Guirriec, the BS Food Technology Program attained the Level II accredited status from the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission of Accreditation (PACUCOA) together with BS Nutrition and Dietetics and BS Hotel and Restaurant Management.
In 2005, Nutrition was separated from PINFST and placed under the Allied Health group. PINFST was renamed as School of Food Science and Technology, School of Tourism and School of Hospitality Management. In 2006 Clustering of similar departments were effected by the university as a means to streamline and maximize the university’s human and physical resources. Dr. Ignacio S. Pablo was designated as Dean Emeritus and the Cluster head; Dr. Milagros D. Magsanoc as the Dean of the School of Hospitality Management; Dr. Ligaya T. Braganza as the Program Chair of the School of Food Science and Technology and Mrs. Evelyn B. Pantig as the Dean of the newly created School of Tourism.
School of Food Science and Technology as the leader today and tomorrow in education and training in the field of Food Science with rekindled spirituality.
To prepare students for their future in the workplace by equipping them with theoretical knowledge and skills anchored on values necessary for living and working and molding them to become well-rounded, productive and responsible citizens, thus, produce graduates who are globally competitive, relevant and responsive to the needs of the food industry and related sectors.
Provides students with optimum training through:
- Combination of in-campus (theoretical) and off-campus (practical) industry based practicum
- Acquisition of necessary competencies in the various jobs and occupations in the food manufacturing industries






Message from the Program Chair

Dr. Maria Ligaya T. Braganza
The School of Food Science and Technology’s pioneering efforts in the field of Food Science and Technology was brought about by the intensive industrialization program coupled with the steady growth of the food manufacturing industry in the country. PWU realized the tremendous need for graduates in food technology who are well equipped with science and engineering background and training to make them relevant and responsive to the needs and demands of the food industries.
Over the years, the school’s curricular programs have been continuously enhanced to keep pace with the scientific and technological trends in the food industry, producing highly qualified human resource for the food manufacturing industry and providing greater opportunities to enable them to face the challenges of the profession, thus, contributing to nation building. At present the School of Food Science and Technology offers courses which prepare students for career in both the high and medium-growth industries in the agriculture, fishery and food processing sectors.
Earn your degree in Food Science and Technology at PWU and be part of the globalized food industry environs!